Stay on the path!   Thursday, 6/28/2001
 Contribute Articles and Poems 

PATH TIMES: An Invitation

"Who, as he was a happie imitator of Nature, was a most gentle expresser of it. His mind and hand went together: And what he thought, he uttered with that easinesse, that we have scarse received from him a blot in his papers."

from the actors preface to the first folio of Shakespeare´s plays

What I would like to read in Path Times:

Reports on Praxis

         Who did what where and when and how on the path? Assuming that bands get out there and into community building it should be easy to send in descriptions of dances, rituals, celebrations, demonstrations, whatever you are able to do with the blown & beaten. Clearly the group of actors believe that they too are happie parts of Nature, imitators and expressers of it, minds and hands in harmony, but with perhaps a few more blots on their papers than they find on Will's. As Editor of Path Times I am listening for fellow actors and their easy utterances. In the era of word processing and websites how could there be a blot problem? Anyone who is part of a band that is mobile, inclusive, playing for dancers and wearing funny hats can contribute.

Pedagogy: Have you been able to teach any children some of what you know? How did that go?

Politics: Do you find people seeking justice, equality, peace, co-evolution, that need a band? Where? What happens? Negotiations with police necessary?

Paganism: Solstice or equinox coming up? Full moon? A rite of passage? Spiral dance?Who is celebrating the cycles and co-evolution in your vicinity? Have you drummed up support for their songs and dances?


         The participatory consciousness that is cultivated when musicians unplug from amplification systems (a consequence of mobility), bring in women, children, elders, players who are just getting started, etc. (a consequence of inclusion), and are playing for the joy of it (funny hats some kind of badge or proof of conduct unbecoming a professional) just might result in poetry, chants, slogans, one liner jokes, call and response lyrics. What did you hear or create at the last demonstration? Any memorable utterances at the last full moon or solstice ceremony? Any pathemic scenes coming to you in dreams that could be gently expressed? What are the dancers singing?

If This Sounds Good To You
  1. Send an email to Charles Keil requesting permission to become a contributor.
  2. Once you have permission send your article via email to Carl Keil.
  3. The body of the email should contain the following:
    1. A Title for the article
    2. The city you are reporting from
    3. Your full name
    4. The text of the article. Use minimal formatting.
    Attach any graphics or photos to the email in GIF or JPEG format.
  4. That's it. I will do my best to get the article on the site as quickly as possible.

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